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  1. Development of a high-fidelity digital twin using the discrete element method for a continuous direct compression process. Part 2. Validation of calibration workflow

    Peer-reviewed journal | 30 Oct 2024 | Contributor(s):: Peter Toson, Marko Matić, Theresa Hörmann-Kincses, Michela Beretta, Jakob Rehrl, Johannes Poms, Peter Boehling, Thomas O’Connor, Abdollah Koolivand, Geng Tian, Scott M. Krull, Johannes G. Khinast, Johan Remmelgas, Dalibor Jajcevic

    This paper is the second in a series of two that describes the application of discrete element method (DEM) and reduced order modeling to predict the effect of disturbances in the concentration of drug substance at the inlet of a continuous powder mixer on the concentration of the drug...

  2. Development of a high-fidelity digital twin using the discrete element method for a continuous direct compression process. Part 1. Calibration workflow

    Peer-reviewed journal | 24 Oct 2024 | Contributor(s):: Peter Toson, Marko Matić, Theresa Hörmann-Kincses, Michela Beretta, Jakob Rehrl, Johannes Poms, Thomas O’Connor, Abdollah Koolivand, Geng Tian, Scott M. Krull, Johannes G. Khinast, Dalibor Jajcevic, Johan Remmelgas

    In this work, a high-fidelity digital twin was developed to support the design and testing of control strategies for drug product manufacturing via direct compression. The high-fidelity digital twin platform was based on typical pharmaceutical equipment, materials, and direct compression...

  3. Qualitative Assessment of a Multi-Scale, Compartmental PBM-DEM Model of a Continuous Twin-Screw Wet Granulation Process

    Peer-reviewed journal | 09 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s):: Barrasso, Dana, Ramachandran, Rohit

    Wet granulation processes play a crucial role in solid oral dosage manufacturing processes. However, they are often designed empirically with poor efficiency. To implement quality-by-design, a more scientific understanding is desired to predict the effects of process and equipment design and...

  4. Dry Powder Mixing Is Feasible in Continuous Twin Screw Extruder: Towards Lean Extrusion Process for Oral Solid Dosage Manufacturing

    Peer-reviewed journal | 09 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s):: Mateo-Ortiz, Daniel, Villanueva-Lopez, Vladimir, Muddu, Shashank Venkat, Doddridge, Gregory D., Alhasson, Dana, Dennis, Michael C.

    Using discrete element method (DEM) modeling and near-infrared (NIR) spectroscopy, the feasibility of powder mixing in the initial pre-melting zones of a twin screw extruder using two independent feeders was studied. Previous work in the pharmaceutical and food industry has focused on mixing when...

  5. Assessment of blending performance of pharmaceutical powder mixtures in a continuous mixer using Discrete Element Method (DEM)

    Peer-reviewed journal | 09 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s):: Behjani, MA, Motlagh, YGBayly, AE, Hassanpour, A

    This study proposes a new sample-independent mixing index, termed the Coefficient of Blending Performance (CBP), for monitoring the formation of undesired API (Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient) agglomerates in continuous mixing processes. The proposed index is examined for the blending of...