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Optimization and Scale-Up of the Continuous Flow Acetylation and Nitration of 4-Fluoro-2-methoxyaniline to Prepare a Key Building Block of Osimertinib

By Köckinger, Manuel; Wyler, Benjamin; Aellig, Christof; Roberge, Dominique M.; Hone, Christopher A.; Kappe, C. Oliver

Published on CMKC


The development of a scalable telescoped continuous flow procedure for the acetylation and nitration of 4-fluoro-2-methoxyaniline is described. A subsequent batch deprotection then affords 4-fluoro-2-methoxy-5-nitroaniline, a key building block in the synthesis of osimertinib, a third-generation epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor (EGFR-TKI) that is used for the treatment of nonsmall-cell lung carcinomas carrying EGFR-TKI sensitizing and EGFR T790M resistance mutations. The hazards associated with nitration of organic compounds, such as thermal runaway and explosivity of intermediates, make it difficult to scale up nitrations to industrial quantities, particularly within large-scale batch reactors. In this study, we investigated an acetic acid/aqueous nitric acid mixture as a predominantly kinetically controlled nitration regime and a water-free mixture of acetic acid, fuming nitric acid, and fuming sulfuric acid (oleum) as a mass-transfer-limited nitration regime. A modular microreactor platform with in-line temperature measurement was utilized for the nitration. Furthermore, we identified that it was necessary to protect the amine functionality through acetylation to avoid side reactions. The process parameters and equipment configuration were optimized at laboratory scale for the acetylation and nitration to improve the product yield and purity. The two steps could be successfully telescoped, and the laboratory-scale flow process was operated for 80 min to afford the target molecule in 82% isolated yield over two steps, corresponding to a throughput of 25 mmol/h. The developed flow process was then transferred to an industrial partner for commercial implementation and scaled up by the use of higher flow rates and sizing-up of the microreactor platform to pilot scale to afford the product in 83% isolated yield, corresponding to a throughput of 2 mol/h (0.46 kg/h).


Organic Process Research & Development. Volume 24, 2020, 2217–2227



Type of publication

Peer-reviewed journal


  • Research Center Pharmaceutical Engineering GmbH (RCPE)
  • University of Graz
  • Lonza AG

Article Classification

Research Article

Classification Areas

  • Intermediate
