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Axial Chirality in the Sotorasib Drug Substance, Part 2: Leveraging a High-Temperature Thermal Racemization to Recycle the Classical Resolution Waste Stream

By Beaver, Matthew G.; Brown, Derek B.; Campbell, Kiersten; Fang, Yuan-Qing; Ford, David D.; Mardirossian, Narbe; Nagy, Kevin D.; Rötheli, Andreas R.; Sheeran, Jillian W.; Telmesani, Reem; Parsons, Andrew T.

Published on CMKC


The development and kilogram-scale demonstration of a high-temperature continuous-flow racemization process to recycle the off-enantiomer of an atropisomeric sotorasib intermediate is described. Part 1 of this two-part series details the design and execution of a classical resolution to generate atropisomer M-1 from a racemic precursor (rac-1). In parallel, the team sought to develop a racemization process to enable recycling of the classical resolution waste stream and maximize productivity and sustainability. Computational and experimental methods revealed a high barrier to rotation (ca. 42 kcal/mol) prompting the design of a high-temperature (>300 °C) racemization protocol for recovery of the racemic compound. Described herein are the determination of the barrier to rotation, optimization of conditions to enable racemization, proof-of-concept for a continuous-flow process to execute the process, and kilogram-scale demonstration, including (1) recovery of the undesired atropisomer as a crystalline solid from the classical resolution waste stream, (2) thermal racemization by a high-temperature continuous-flow process, and (3) isolation of the racemic compound by crystallization directly from the reaction stream.


Organic Process Research & Development. Volume 26, 2022, 2636–2645



Type of publication

Peer-reviewed journal


  • Amgen, Inc.
  • Snapdragon Chemistry

Article Classification

Research Article

Classification Areas

  • Intermediate
