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Assessment and prediction of tablet properties using transmission and backscattering Raman spectroscopy and transmission NIR spectroscopy

By Peeters, Elisabeth; Tavares da Silva, Ana Filipa; Toiviainen, Maunu; Van Renterghem, Jeroen; Vercruysse, Jurgen; Juuti, Mikko; Lopes, Joao Almeida; De Beer, Thomas.; Vervaet, Chris; Remon, Jean-Paul

Published on CMKC


This study investigated whether Raman and Near Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy could predict tablet properties. Granules were produced on a continuous line by varying granulation parameters. Tableting process parameters were adjusted to obtain uniform tablet weight and thickness. Spectra were collected offline and tablet properties determined with traditional analyzing methods. Partial Least Squares (PLS) regression was used to correlate spectral information to tablet properties, but predictive models couldn't be established. Principal component analysis (PCA) was effectively used to distinguish theophylline concentrations and hydration levels and multiple linear regression (MLR) analysis allowed insight on how granulation parameters affect granule and tablet properties.


Asian Journal of Pharmaceutical Sciences. Volume 11, 4, 2016, 547-558



Type of publication

Peer-reviewed journal


  • Ghent University
  • University of Porto
  • Optical Measurement Technologies

Article Classification

Research article

Classification Areas

  • PAT
  • Oral solid dose
