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Prepare for an exciting September! Each week, we'll examine the latest trends in PAT, offering fresh insights straight from recent conferences. Your perspective matters, so we encourage you to share your thoughts as well. Stay informed, stay engaged, and let's explore these cutting-edge developments together.

Tags: Advanced manufacturing

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  1. Why We Need Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and How to Make It Happen

    Contributor(s):: Clive Badman, Charles L.Cooney, Alastair Florence, Konstantin Konstantinov, Markus Krumme, Salvatore Mascia, Moheb Nasr, Bernhardt L. Trout

    We make the case for why continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing is essential, what the barriers are, and how to overcome them. To overcome them, government action is needed in terms of tax incentives or regulatory incentives that affect time.

  2. Continuous manufacturing technologies in upstream pharmaceutical supply chains: Combining engineering and managerial criteria

    Contributor(s):: Aulakh, PK, Settanni, E, Srai, JS

    The COVID-19 pandemic exposed vulnerabilities in upstream pharmaceutical supply chains (PSC). One is that the global supply of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs) is overly dependent on few locations and large-scale batch manufacturing. Regulators hope to enable more dependable location...

  3. Advanced Pharmaceutical Manufacturing: A Functional Definition

    Contributor(s):: Romañach, Rodolfo J., Stelzer, Torsten, Sanchez, Eric, Muzzio, Fernando

    The term “Advanced Pharmaceutical Manufacturing” (APM) has become an ubiquitous buzzword with deep potential policy implications. There is a real danger that APM will be seen as a general panacea for solving economic woes and drug shortages, devoiding it from specific meaning, and depriving the...