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Tags: Antisolvent crystallization

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  1. Incorporating Solvent-Dependent Kinetics To Design a Multistage, Continuous, Combined Cooling/Antisolvent Crystallization Process

    Contributor(s):: Schall, JM, Capellades, GMandur, JS, Braatz, RD, Myerson, AS

    Combined cooling and antisolvent crystallization enables crystallization of many pharmaceutical products, but its process design typically neglects solvent composition influences on crystallization kinetics. This paper evaluates the influence of solvent-dependent nucleation and growth kinetics on...

  2. Employing Constant Rate Filtration To Assess Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient Washing Efficiency

    Contributor(s):: Shahid, M, Faure, COttoboni, S, Lue, L, Price, C

    Washing is a key step in pharmaceutical isolation to remove unwanted crystallization solvents and dissolved impurities (mother liquor) from the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) filter cake to ensure the purity of the product whilst maximizing yield. It is therefore essential to avoid both...

  3. Concurrent Antisolvent Electrospraying: A Novel Continuous Crystallization Technique

    Contributor(s):: Perge, L, Grols, JSegura, DF, Al-Ani, A, Wilkinson, M, Castro-Dominguez, B

    Pharmaceutical co-crystals (CCs) are multicomponent materials that enable the development of novel therapeutic products by enhancing the properties of active pharmaceutical ingredients, such as solubility, permeability and bioavailability. Currently, CCs are a commercial reality; theless, their...