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Prepare for an exciting September! Each week, we'll examine the latest trends in PAT, offering fresh insights straight from recent conferences. Your perspective matters, so we encourage you to share your thoughts as well. Stay informed, stay engaged, and let's explore these cutting-edge developments together.

Tags: Breakage

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  1. Model development and prediction of particle size distribution, density and friability of a comilling operation in a continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing process

    Contributor(s):: Metta, Nirupaplava, Verstraeten, Maxim Ghijs, Michael Kumar, Ashish Schafer, Elisabeth Singh, Ravendra De Beer, Thomas Nopens, Ingmar Cappuyns, Philippe, Van Assche, Ivo

    The comilling process plays an important role in solid oral dosage manufacturing. In this process, the granulated products are comminuted to the required size distribution through collisions created from a rotating impeller. In addition to predicting particle size distribution, there is a need to...

  2. Engineering of acetaminophen particle attributes using a wet milling crystallisation platform

    Contributor(s):: Ahmed, B, Brown, CJMcGlone, T, Bowering, DL, Sefcik, J, Florence, AJ

    Wet milling coupled with crystallisation has considerable potential to deliver enhanced control over particle attributes. The effect of process conditions and wet mill configuration on particle size, shape and surface energy has been investigated on acetaminophen using a seeded cooling...