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  1. Mechanistic investigation of a Ru-catalyzed direct asymmetric reductive amination reaction for a batch or continuous process scale-up: an industrial perspective

    Contributor(s):: Changi, SM, Yokozawa, TYamamoto, T, Nakajima, H, Embry, MC, Vaid, R, Luciani, CV, Wong, SW, Johnson, M, Moher, ED

    A comprehensive assessment of a Ru-catalyzed direct asymmetric reductive amination (DARA) reaction for producing an intermediate for an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) was carried out. Experiments were conducted to investigate the impact of process parameters (such as reaction temperature,...

  2. Continuous manufacturing – the Green Chemistry promise?

    Contributor(s):: Klavs F. Jensen

    Continuous manufacturing and Green Chemistry, are two promising approaches to synthesis with underutilized potential that are gaining traction by the wider pharmaceutical community. We review Green Chemistry advances resulting when transitioning to continuous manufacturing with focus on Green...