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Tags: filtration

Peer-reviewed journal (1-4 of 4)

  1. Towards Continuous Primary Manufacturing Processes-Particle Design through Combined Crystallization and Particle Isolation

    Contributor(s):: Steenweg, C, Kufner, ACHabicht, J, Wohlgemuth, K

    Integrated continuous manufacturing processes of active pharmaceutical ingredients (API) provide key benefits concerning product quality control, scale-up capability, and a reduced time-to-market. Thereby, the crystallization step, which is used in approximately 90% of API productions, mainly...

  2. Separation and Purification in the Continuous Synthesis of Fine Chemicals and Pharmaceuticals

    Contributor(s):: O'Mahony, M, Ferguson, SStelzer, T, Myerson, A

    The use to both chemists and chemical engineers working in flow synthesis, this chapter provides a summary of separation and purification operations that can be applied to flow synthesis reaction streams. Both single and biphasic separations for the liquid phase are detailed. Separation and...

  3. End-to-end continuous manufacturing of conventional compressed tablets: From flow synthesis to tableting through integrated crystallization and filtration

    Contributor(s):: Domokos, A, Nagy, BGyurkes, M, Farkas, A, Tacsi, K, Pataki, H, Liu, YC, Balogh, A, Firth, P, Szilagyi, B, Marosi, G, Nagy, ZK

    An end-to-end continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing process was developed for the production of conventional direct compressed tablets on a proof-of-concept level for the first time. The output reaction mixture of the flow synthesis of acetylsalicylic acid was crystallized continuously in a...

  4. A Novel Integrated Workflow for Isolation Solvent Selection Using Prediction and Modeling

    Contributor(s):: Ottoboni, S, Wareham, BVassileiou, A, Robertson, M, Brown, CJ, Johnston, B, Price, CJ

    A predictive tool was developed to aid process design and to rationally select optimal solvents for isolation of active pharmaceutical ingredients. The objective was to minimize the experimental work required to design a purification process by (i) starting from a rationally selected...