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Tags: Formulation development

All Categories (1-7 of 7)

  1. The effect of binder types on the breakage and drying behavior of granules in a semi-continuous fluid bed dryer after twin screw wet granulation

    Contributor(s):: Vandevivere, L., Denduyver, P., Portier, C., Häusler, O., De Beer, T., Vervaet, C., Vanhoorne, V.

    Current study investigated the effect of different binder types on the granule drying process and the granule breakage behavior in a semi-continuous fluid bed dryer integrated in the C25 ConsiGma-system. The studied binders (i.e. hydroxypropyl pea starch, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose E15,...

  2. Use of a continuous twin screw granulation and drying system during formulation development and process optimization

    Contributor(s):: Vercruysse, J., Peeters, E., Fonteyne, M., Cappuyns, P., Delaet, U., Van Assche, I., De Beer, T., Remon, J. P., Vervaet, C.

    Since small scale is key for successful introduction of continuous techniques in the pharmaceutical industry to allow its use during formulation development and process optimization, it is essential to determine whether the product quality is similar when small quantities of materials are...

  3. TPLS as predictive platform for twin-screw wet granulation process and formulation development

    Contributor(s):: Ryckaert, A., Van Hauwermeiren, D., Dhondt, J., De Man, A., Funke, A., Djuric, D., Vervaet, C., Nopens, I., De Beer, T.

    In recent years, the interest in continuous manufacturing techniques, such as twin-screw wet granulation, has increased. However, the understanding of the influence of the combination of raw material properties and process settings upon the granule quality attributes is still limited. In this...

  4. Twin-screw granulation and high-shear granulation: The influence of mannitol grade on granule and tablet properties

    Contributor(s):: Megarry, Andrew, Taylor, Agnes, Gholami, Aida, Wikstrom, Hakan, Tajarobi, Pirjo

    Granule structure has a key influence on tablet critical quality attributes. The ability to control this structure through excipient choice is an important part of formulation development. Mannitol is a popular diluent and the choice of input grade has been shown to impact granule properties....

  5. Continuous twin screw granulation: Impact of microcrystalline cellulose batch-to-batch variability during granulation and drying - A QbD approach

    Contributor(s):: Portier, Christoph, Vigh, Tamas, Di Pretoro, Giustino, Leys, Jan, Klingeleers, Didier, De Beer, Thomas, Vervaet, Chris, Vanhoorne, Valerie

    Despite significant advances in the Research Article domain of continuous twin screw granulation, limited information is currently available on the impact of raw material properties, especially considering batch-to-batch variability. The importance of raw material variability and subsequent...

  6. Continuous twin screw granulation: Robustness of lactose/MCC-based formulations

    Contributor(s):: Portier, Christoph, De Vriendt, Charlotte, Vigh, Tamas, Di Pretoro, Giustino, De Beer, Thomas, Vervaet, Chris, Vanhoorne, Valerie

    In recent years, significant progress has been made in the field of continuous twin screw granulation. However, only limited knowledge is currently available on the impact of active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) properties on granule quality and processability. In this study, the response...

  7. Continuous Twin Screw Granulation: A Review of Recent Progress and Opportunities in Formulation and Equipment Design

    Contributor(s):: Portier, Christoph, Vervaet, Chris, Vanhoorne, Valérie

    Continuous twin screw wet granulation is one of the key continuous manufacturing technologies that have gained significant interest in the pharmaceutical industry as well as in academia over the last ten years. Given its considerable advantages compared to wet granulation techniques operated in...