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Tags: Hot melt extursion (HME)

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  1. Liquid API feeding in pharmaceutical HME: Novel options in solid dosage manufacturing

    | Contributor(s):: Simone Eder, Aygün Doğan, Johannes Khinast, Stephan Sacher, Martin Spoerk, Lisa Kuchler

    Hot melt extrusion (HME) is a common unit operation. It is broadly applicable in the pharmaceutical industry and can be implemented in a continuous manufacturing line. However, the conventional way of active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) feeding with a pre-blend consisting of a powdered API...

  2. Common CM Abbreviations - Input Needed

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    Hi all, We are collecting commonly used abbreviations in PCM. This will serve as a useful reference for anyone reviewing PCM materials and studies. We’ve started a list but would like to...

  3. Application of FT-NIR Analysis for In-line and Real-Time Monitoring of Pharmaceutical Hot Melt Extrusion: a Technical Note

    | Contributor(s):: Vo, Anh Q., He, Herman, Zhang, Jiaxiang, Martin, Scott, Chen, Rui, Repka, Michael A.

    Continuous manufacturing, a gaining interest paradigm in the pharmaceutical industry, requires in-process monitoring of critical process parameters to ensure product consistency. This study demonstrated the application of Fourier transform near-infrared (FT-NIR) spectroscopy in conjunction with...