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Prepare for an exciting September! Each week, we'll examine the latest trends in PAT, offering fresh insights straight from recent conferences. Your perspective matters, so we encourage you to share your thoughts as well. Stay informed, stay engaged, and let's explore these cutting-edge developments together.

Tags: In-process control

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  1. A hybrid NIR-soft sensor method for real time in-process control during continuous direct compression manufacturing operations

    Contributor(s):: Cogoni, Giuseppe, Husain, Anas, Alam, Md Anik, Liu, Yang Angela, Kamyar, Reza

    Near Infrared (NIR) spectroscopy is commonly utilized for continuous manufacturing as Process Analytical Technology (PAT) tool. This paper focus on a continuous direct compression manufacturing process, in which an NIR PAT probe is integrated into the tablet press feed frame and into the tablet...