End-to-end continuous manufacturing of conventional compressed tablets: From flow synthesis to tableting through integrated crystallization and filtration
Contributor(s):: Domokos, A, Nagy, BGyurkes, M, Farkas, A, Tacsi, K, Pataki, H, Liu, YC, Balogh, A, Firth, P, Szilagyi, B, Marosi, G, Nagy, ZK
An end-to-end continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing process was developed for the production of conventional direct compressed tablets on a proof-of-concept level for the first time. The output reaction mixture of the flow synthesis of acetylsalicylic acid was crystallized continuously in a...
Combination of PAT and mechanistic modeling tools in a fully continuous powder to granule line: Rapid and deep process understanding
Contributor(s):: Domokos, András, Pusztai, Éva, Madarász, Lajos, Nagy, Brigitta, Gyürkés, Martin, Farkas, Attila (24372641300), Fülöp, Gergő, Casian, Tibor, Szilágyi, Botond., Nagy, Zsombor Kristóf
Comprehensive understanding of an integrated continuous pharmaceutical technology was achieved in this study by a combining design of experiments and mechanistic modeling-based simulations. The powder to granule line consisted of twin-screw wet granulation, vibrational fluid-bed drying and...