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Tags: Near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy

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  1. Blend uniformity monitoring in a continuous manufacturing mixing process for a low-dosage formulation using a stream sampler and near infrared spectroscopy

    Peer-reviewed journal | 19 Jul 2024 | Contributor(s):: Rodolfo Romanach, Raúl S. Rangel-Gil, Juan M. Nasrala-Álvarez, Rafael Méndez

    Continuous manufacturing has the potential to offer several benefits for the production of oral solid dosage forms, including reduced costs, low-scale equipment, and the application of process analytical technology (PAT) for real-time process control. This study focuses on the implementation of...

  2. Sample Mass Estimate for the Use of Near-Infrared and Raman Spectroscopy to Monitor Content Uniformity in a Tablet Press Feed Frame of a Drug Product Continuous Manufacturing Process

    Peer-reviewed journal | 09 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s):: Hetrick, Evan, Castillo, Ismael, Rehrla, Jakob, Sagmeistera, Peter, Lebl, René, Kruisza, Julia, Celikovic, Selma, Sipek, Martin, Williams, Myers, David P

    Recently, feed frame-based process analytical technology measurements used to assure product quality during continuous manufacturing processes have received significant attention. These measurements are able to accurately determine uniformity of the powder blend before compression, and in these...

  3. In-Line Quantification of Drug and Excipients in Cohesive Powder Blends by near Infrared Spectroscopy

    Peer-reviewed journal | 09 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s):: Liew, C. V., Karande, A. D., Heng, P. W. S

    This work was aimed at investigating the utility of near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy for simultaneous in-line quantification of drug and excipients in cohesive powder blends in a bin blender. A model formulation containing micronized chlorpheniramine maleate (μCPM), lactose, microcrystalline...

  4. Development of a methodology to estimate error in the on-line measurements of blend uniformity in a continuous powder mixing process

    Peer-reviewed journal | 09 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s):: Vanarase, Aditya, Järvinen, Maiju, Paaso, Janne, Muzzio, Fernando

    In this paper, a multi-point fiber optic based NIR system was implemented to monitor API concentration at the discharge of a continuous mixer. The sample size being interrogated by NIR was determined by measuring the velocity of the powder on the chute, which allowed selection of the number of...

  5. Determination of Residence Time Distribution in a Continuous Powder Mixing Process With Supervised and Unsupervised Modeling of In-line Near Infrared (NIR) Spectroscopic Data

    Peer-reviewed journal | 09 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s):: Pedersen, Troels, Karttunen, Anssi-Pekka, Korhonen, Ossi, Wu, Jian Xiong, Naelapää, Kaisa, Skibsted, Erik, Rantanen, Jukka

    Successful implementation of continuous manufacturing processes requires robust methods to assess and control product quality in a real-time mode. In this study, the residence time distribution of a continuous powder mixing process was investigated via pulse tracer experiments using near infrared...