Continuous Processing. Continuous Evolution
Magazine | 08 Oct 2024 | Contributor(s):: Douglas Hausner
Continuous processing for small molecule products has been a hot topic for years, but where does the industry stand with it today? We speak with Doug Hausner, Senior Manager, Continuous Manufacturing, Oral Solid Dose, Pharma Services at Thermo Fisher Scientific, to find out.
Flowsheet Models Modernize Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Design and Risk Assessment
Magazine | 09 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s):: Muzzio, Fernando, Singh, M Sebastian Escotet-Espinoza Ravendra, Lee Sau, Thomas O’Connor Marianthi, Ierapetritou, Lee Sharmista Chatterjee Rohit Ramachandran, Sen, Maitraye
The pharmaceutical industry has recognized the value of implementing a systematic approach to drug product development where quality is built into the product and process. The FDA initiative on quality by design (QbD) promotes the design of the product and manufacturing process using principles...
A Semi-Continuous Operations Model For Solid-Dose Manufacturing
Magazine | 09 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s):: Pazhayattil, Ajay Babu, Sayeed-Desta, Naheed
This article will explore the evolving generic drug environment in the U.S. It will also describe an operations model for semi-continuous manufacturing of generic solid-dose products that will improve flexibility and enable just-in-time production.