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Tags: Personalized medicine

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  1. Why We Need Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing and How to Make It Happen

    Contributor(s):: Clive Badman, Charles L.Cooney, Alastair Florence, Konstantin Konstantinov, Markus Krumme, Salvatore Mascia, Moheb Nasr, Bernhardt L. Trout

    We make the case for why continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing is essential, what the barriers are, and how to overcome them. To overcome them, government action is needed in terms of tax incentives or regulatory incentives that affect time.

  2. Pharmaceutical formulation and manufacturing using particle/powder technology for personalized medicines

    Contributor(s):: Tahara, Kohei

    Particle/powder technology is used in the manufacture of many pharmaceutical products, and Research Article on the physical properties of particles in the nano- to micro-particle range is important in the pharmaceutical field. The concept of precision medicine will require an increasing shift in...