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Tags: Pharmaceutical crystallization

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  1. Monitoring and digital design of the cooling crystallization of a high-aspect ratio anticancer drug using a two-dimensional population balance model

    Contributor(s):: Szilágyi, Botond, Eren, Ayşe Quon, Justin L. Papageorgiou, Charles D., Nagy, Zoltán K.

    The development of a process model for the batch cooling crystallization of an anticancer drug from Takeda Pharmaceuticals is presented. The compound forms needle-like crystals that exhibit significant variation in shape (aspect ratio) during the crystallization. The parameters of a...

  2. Mathematical modeling and experimental validation of continuous slug-flow tubular crystallization with ultrasonication-induced nucleation and spatially varying temperature

    Contributor(s):: Mozdzierz, Nicholas J., Lee, Yongkyu Hong, Moo Sun Benisch, Moritz H.P., Rasche, Michael L., Tropp, Uku Erik, Jiang, Mo, Myerson, Allan S., Braatz, Richard D.

    Continuous slug-flow tubular crystallization has been explored by several Research Article groups in academia and industry as a way to produce crystals while having low capital equipment costs. In this crystallization type, slugs of slurry and gas consecutively travel through a tube, with a high...

  3. Control of Drug-Excipient Particle Attributes with Droplet Microfluidic-based Extractive Solidification Enables Improved Powder Rheology

    Contributor(s):: Ng, DZL, Nelson, AZWard, G, Lai, D, Doyle, PS, Khan, SA

    Purpose Industrial implementation of continuous oral solid dosage form manufacturing has been impeded by the poor powder flow properties of many active pharmaceutical ingredients(APIs). Microfluidic droplet-based particle synthesis is an emerging particle engineering technique that enables the...

  4. Continuous Pharmaceutical Crystallization from Solution

    Contributor(s):: Price, CJ

    Brings together the essential know-how for anyone working in drug manufacturing, as well as chemical, food, and pharmaceutical scientists working on continuous processing