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  1. Selective preparation of elusive and alternative single component polymorphic solid forms through multi-component crystallisation routes

    Contributor(s):: Thomas, LH, Wales, C, Wilson, CC

    A transferable, simple, method for producing previously elusive and novel polymorphic forms of important active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs; paracetamol (acetaminophen), piroxicam and piracetam) is demonstrated. Nitrogen heterocyclic co-molecules are employed to influence the self-assembly...

  2. Intermolecular hydrogen transfer and solubility tuning in multi-component molecular crystals of the API piroxicam

    Contributor(s):: Thomas, LH, Klapwijk, ARWales, C, Wilson, CC

    A series of twelve multi-component molecular crystals of the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) piroxicam (PX) have been synthesised and their structures analysed with respect to their supramolecular motifs and degree of intermolecular hydrogen transfer observed on formation of the various...