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  1. Implementation of Near-Infrared Spectroscopy for In-Line Monitoring of a Dehydration Reaction in a Tubular Laminar Reactor

    Contributor(s):: Mitic, A, Cervera-Padrell, AEMortensen, AR, Skovby, T, Dam-Johansen, K, Javakhishvili, I, Hvilsted, S, Gernaey, KV

    Production of active pharmaceutical ingredients (APIs), fine chemicals, food products, and so on has in recent years been focused on implementing process intensification and process optimization tools. Lower costs and higher selectivity as well as better sustainability and competitiveness are the...

  2. Impact of blend properties on die filling during tableting

    Contributor(s):: Van Snick, B., Grymonpre, W., Dhondt, J., Pandelaere, K., Di Pretoro, G., Remon, J. P., De Beer, T., Vervaet, C., Vanhoorne, V.

    Based on characterization of a wide range of fillers and APIs, thirty divergent blends were composed and subsequently compressed on a rotary tablet press, varying paddle speed and turret speed. The tablet weight variability was determined of 20 grab samples consisting of each 20 tablets....

  3. Effects of powder flow properties and shear environment on the performance of continuous mixing of pharmaceutical powders

    Contributor(s):: Vanarase, AU, Osorio, JG, Muzzio, FJ

    This paper focuses on two aspects of continuous powder mixing, namely characterizing the effects of material properties on the bulk powder flow behavior, and developing continuous blending strategies suitable for cohesive materials. The relative effects of process parameters and material...

  4. Comparison of a continuous ring layer wet granulation process with batch high shear and fluidized bed granulation processes

    Contributor(s):: Jarvinen, MA, Paavola, M, Poutiainen, S, Itkonen, P, Pasanen, V, Uljas, K, Leiviska, K, Juuti, M, Ketolainen, J, Jarvinen, K

    The traditional batch wet granulation processes encounter several challenges, such as problems in the scale-up step, batch-to-batch variability together with the multivariate and difficult to control nature of the process. A continuous wet granulation technique could be a possible solution for...