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Tags: Principal component analysis (PCA)

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  1. Sam Henson

  2. Identifying overarching excipient properties towards an in-depth understanding of process and product performance for continuous twin-screw wet granulation

    09 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s):: Willecke, N., Szepes, A., Wunderlich, M., Remon, J. P., Vervaet, C., De Beer, T.

    The overall objective of this work is to understand how excipient characteristics influence the process and product performance for a continuous twin-screw wet granulation process. The knowledge gained through this study is intended to be used for a Quality by Design (QbD)-based formulation...

  3. A novel approach to support formulation design on twin screw wet granulation technology: Understanding the impact of overarching excipient properties on drug product quality attributes

    09 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s):: Willecke, N., Szepes, A., Wunderlich, M., Remon, J. P., Vervaet, C., De Beer, T.

    The overall objective of this work is to understand how excipient characteristics influence the drug product quality attributes and process performance of a continuous twin screw wet granulation process. The knowledge gained in this study is intended to be used for Quality by Design (QbD)-based...