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Tags: Residence time distribution (RTD)

Resources (1-4 of 4)

  1. Implementation of a fully integrated CM direct compression and coating process at a commercial pharmaceutical facility - Part 2: PAT and RTD results for normal operational conditions batches.

    Contributor(s):: Rosas, JG, Brush, P, Thompson, B, Miller, C, Overton, P, Tugby, N, Stoliarskaia, D, Hurley, S, Ramasamy, M, Conway, SL

    This is the second of two articles detailing the continuous manufacturing (CM) development and implementation activities for an marketed product which have been realized in novel, qualified equipment, using validated control strategy elements to enable manufacture of batches under current good...

  2. Residence Time Distribution as a Traceability Method for Lot Changes in A Pharmaceutical Continuous Manufacturing System

    Contributor(s):: Sánchez-Paternina, Adriluz, Martínez-Cartagena, Pedro Li, Jingzhe Scicolone, James Singh, Ravendra Lugo, Yleana C Romañach, Rodolfo J Muzzio, Fernando J, Román-Ospino, Andrés D

    Residence time distribution (RTD) models were developed to track raw material lots and investigate batch transitions in a continuous manufacturing system. Two raw materials with similar physical properties (granular metformin and lactose) were identified via Principal Component Analysis (PCA)...

  3. Experimental investigation and modelling of tensile strength of pharmaceutical tablets based on shear force applied by feed frame paddles

    Contributor(s):: Furukawa, Ryoichi, Singh, Ravendra, Ierapetritou, Marianthi

    The feed frame is an essential device used in a rotary tablet press and it improves the performance of the powder filling process into dies. However, the feed frame affects critical quality attributes such as a tensile strength and a dissolution negatively due to a shear applied to powders from...

  4. Effect of material properties on the residence time distribution (RTD) of a tablet press feed frame

    Contributor(s):: Furukawa, Ryoichi, Singh, Ravendra, Ierapetritou, Marianthi

    In continuous manufacturing (CM) of pharmaceutical tablets, the residence time distribution (RTD) of the tablet press feed frame plays an important role in ensuring the critical quality attributes (CQAs) of the final product. Knowledge of factors affecting the RTD of the feed frame is necessary...