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Have you had challenges with CM adhesion/cohesion? Experts are discussing this topic in the Oral Solid Dosage Group,, broken out into the following key areas: conveying, feeding, transfer hoppers, and transition pipes. Learn from their experience by reading the full conversation here:

Tags: solubility curves

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  1. The Use of Cooling Crystallization in an Ionic Liquid System for the Purification of Pharmaceuticals

    Contributor(s):: Weber, CC, Kulkarni, SAKunov-Kruse, AJ, Rogers, RD, Myerson, AS

    The application of ionic liquids (ILs) as solvents is frequently discussed in the context of their tunability, with the potential to tailor the solvent system uniquely to the process being investigated. Instead, here we study the potential for a single IL, 1-ethyl-3-methylimidazohum...