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Tags: Tablet compression

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  1. Spectroscopic characterization of tablet properties in a continuous powder blending and tableting process

    Contributor(s):: Nagy, Brigitta, Farkas, Attila, Magyar, Krisztina, Démuth, Balázs, Marosi, György

    By the advent of continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing, fast and accurate characterization of product quality has become of a major interest. Although it also promotes the real-time release testing approach, so far mainly content uniformity studies were performed by near-infrared (NIR)...

  2. Modeling the effects of material properties on tablet compaction: A building block for controlling both batch and continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing processes

    Contributor(s):: Escotet-Espinoza, M Sebastian, Vadodaria, Shishir Singh, Ravendra Muzzio, Fernando J, Ierapetritou, Marianthi G

    As the pharmaceutical industry modernizes its manufacturing practices and incorporates more efficient processing approaches, it is important to reevaluate which process design elements affect product quality and the means to study these systems. The purpose of this work is to provide insight on a...