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Tags: Twin screw feeding

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  1. Managing active pharmaceutical ingredient raw material variability during twin-screw blend feeding

    Contributor(s):: Stauffer, F., Vanhoorne, V., Pilcer, G., Chavez, Pierre-François, Schubert, M. A., Vervaet, C., De Beer, T.

    Continuous powder feeding is a critical step in continuous manufacturing of solid dosage forms, as this unit operation should ensure the mass flow consistency at the desired powder feed rate to guarantee the process throughput and final product consistency. In this study, twin-screw feeding of a...

  2. Development of a continuous direct compression platform for low-dose drug products

    Contributor(s):: Van Snick, B, Holman, J, Vanhoorne, V, Kumar, A, De Beer, T, Remon, JP, Vervaet, C

    In this work a continuous direct compression process was developed for a low-dosed drug product. Each unit operation of the GEA CDC-50 system was thoroughly investigated. This paper aimed to tackle the macroscopic and microscopic blend uniformity challenges inherently associated with continuous...

  3. Determination of a quantitative relationship between material properties, process settings and screw feeding behavior via multivariate data-analysis

    Contributor(s):: Bekaert, B, Penne, L, Grymonpre, W, Van Snick, B, Dhondt, J, Boeckx, J, Vogeleer, J, De Beer, T, Vervaet, C, Vanhoorne, V

    In this study, a quantitative relationship between material properties, process settings and screw feeding responses of a high-throughput feeder was established via multivariate models (PLS). Thirteen divergent powders were selected and characterized for 44 material property descriptors. During...

  4. Continuous direct compression as manufacturing platform for sustained release tablets

    Contributor(s):: Vanhoorne, V, Holman, J., Cunningham, C., Kumar, A., Vercruysse, J., De Beer, T., Remon, J. P, Vervaet, C

    This study presents a framework for process and product development on a continuous direct compression manufacturing platform. A challenging sustained release formulation with high content of a poorly flowing low density drug was selected. Two HPMC grades were evaluated as matrix former: standard...

  5. A multivariate approach to predict the volumetric and gravimetric feeding behavior of a low feed rate feeder based on raw material properties

    Contributor(s):: Bostijn, N, Dhondt, J, Ryckaert, A, Szabo, E, Dhondt, W, Van Snick, B, Vanhoorne, V, Vervaet, C, De Beer, T

    In this study, the volumetric and gravimetric feeding behavior of 15 pharmaceutical powders on a low feed rate feeder was correlated with their material properties through a multivariate approach. The powders under investigation differ substantially in terms of material properties, making the...