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E-factor analysis of a pilot plant for end-to-end integrated continuous manufacturing (ICM) of pharmaceuticals

By Stephen C. Born1; Wei Wu1; Khrystyna Shvedova1; Ridade Sayin1; Bhakti S. Halkude1; Federica Casati2; Anjana Ramnath1; Paul Hermant1; Bayan Takizawa1; Thomas F. O'Connor3; Xiaochuan Yang3; Sukumar Ramanujamd4; Salvatore Mascia1; Christopher J. Testa1; Chuntian Hu1

1. CONTINUUS Pharmaceuticals 2. CONTINUUS Pharmaceuticals, IMA S.p.a. 3. Food and Drug Administration 4. USV Private Limited

Published on CMKC


Most drugs are still manufactured by time-intensive and cost-inefficient batch processes; however, the pharmaceutical industry is undergoing a transition to continuous processes to benefit from the reduced lead time, cost, and footprint and improved quality associated with this new methodology. Herein we report some key results of a fully automated end-to-end integrated continuous manufacturing (ICM) pilot plant, and describe the relevant E-factor analysis. The overall yields of the batch and ICM processes are 86.4%, and 88.0%, respectively. The solvent recovery yields for Solvents 1 and 2 are 95.8%, and 94.1% in batch, and are 98.3% and 94.9% in the ICM process. The E-factor value reduced significantly from 1.627 with batch to 0.770 with ICM (∼53% reduction), and after integrating the Solvent Recovery unit operation it decreased from 0.292 for the batch process to 0.210 for ICM (∼30% reduction). The application of a seamless, continuous ICM process could reduce waste generation and lower the E-factor, resulting in a positive outcome for our planet.


Green Chemistry, 2020,22, 4350-4356



Type of publication

Peer-reviewed journal


  • CONTINUUS Pharmaceuticals, 25R Olympia Ave, Woburn, MA, USA

  • IMA S.p.a., Via I Maggio 14-16, Ozzano dell'Emilia, Bologna, Italy

  • Food and Drug Administration, 10903 New Hampshire Ave, Silver Spring, MD, USA

  • USV Private Limited, Arvind Vithal Gandhi Chowk, BSD Marg, Station Road, Govandi East, Mumbai, India

Article Classification

Peer-Reviewed Journal

Classification Areas

  • API
