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An Innovative Sampling Interface for Monitoring Flowing Pharmaceutical Powder Mixtures

By Martínez-Cartagena, Pedro; Romañach, Rodolfo J.; Sierra-Vega, Nobel O; Alvarado-Hernández, Bárbara B; Méndez, Rafael

Published on CMKC


A chute was designed following the principles of the Theory of Sampling to minimize the variations in powder flow and provide all particles in the flowing blends with the same opportunity of being selected as a sample. The design also reduces the thickness of the chute to allow the analysis of a higher portion of the flowing blends by a near infrared spectrometer. The blends that flowed through the chute had Carr's index values that fluctuated between 23 and 25 percent, indicating passable flowability. A powder fowling evaluation demonstrated that there was no powder accumulation at the inspection window of the chute. The mass flow rate profiles indicated that the system achieves mass steady-state in approximately 30 s and a throughput of 30 kg/h which makes it suitable for continuous manufacturing operations. An in-line NIR calibration model was developed to quantify caffeine concentrations between 1.51 and 4.52 % w/w. The spectra obtained from each experiment had minimal baseline variation. The developed NIR method was robust to throughput changes up to approximately ±7 %. The test blends in the caffeine concentration range between 2.02 % w/w and 4.02 % w/w met the dose uniformity requirements of the Ph.Eur. 9.0, chapter 2.9.47. Variographic analysis was done to estimate the analytical and sampling errors which yielded values below 0.01 (%w/w)2. The obtained results showed that this chute could also be used in a continuous manufacturing line or other applications with flowing powders.


Journal of Pharmaceutical and Biomedical Analysis. Volume 194, 2021, 113785



Type of publication

Peer-reviewed journal


  • University of Puerto Rico at Mayagüez

Article Classification

Research article

Classification Areas

  • PAT
  • Oral solid dose
