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A Tandem Ring Closure and Nitrobenzene Reduction with Sulfide Provides an Improved Route to an Important Intermediate for the Anti-Tuberculosis Drug Candidate Sutezolid

By Kalmode, Hanuman P.; Ravikumar, Ongolu; Paymode, Dinesh J.; Bachert, John; Burns, Justina M.; Stringham, Rodger W.; Aleshire, Sarah L.; Nelson, Ryan C.

Published on CMKC


Sutezolid is an in-development thiomorpholine derivative of the FDA-approved tuberculosis (TB) treatment linezolid. Current synthetic routes for preparing sutezolid start with thiomorpholine as a key structural building block; unfortunately, this material was identified as a major cost driver for the API, which will limit the potential uptake of this treatment in lower income regions. In this work, an alternative, lower-cost synthetic strategy to a known p-phenylenediamine intermediate to sutezolid has been demonstrated. The key step in this process is the construction of the thiomorpholine ring by a nucleophilic sulfide ring closure on an activated bis(2-hydroxyethyl)-functionalized aniline, which was in turn made by reaction of 3,4-difluoronitrobenzene and diethanolamine. This sulfide treatment has the added benefit of affecting a Zinin reduction of the nitro functional group, which alleviates the need for the transition metal reduction used in previous routes. After optimization, this key reaction was able to provide the desired aniline intermediate in yields between 65 and 80% and, after a standard charcoal treatment, purity of >94%. Initial demonstrations of the full 3-step strategy were successfully conducted on scales up to 100 g with overall yields of 53–68%. This preliminary work will serve as the foundation for a broader low-cost redesign of the sutezolid synthetic process.


Organic Process Research & Development. Volume 28, 2024, 1195–1204



Type of publication

Peer-reviewed journal


  • Medicines for All Institute

Article Classification

Research Article

Classification Areas

  • Intermediate
