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Breaking Through Barriers to Continuous Manufacturing

By Markarian, Jennifer



Published on CMKC


Pharmaceutical manufacturing is inching towards implementing more efficient and sustainable processes, including continuous manufacturing (CM) of solid-dosage drugs. Advantages of CM include the potential for faster development, easier technical transfer, and more efficient and flexible commercial production with tighter process control. Although early adopters have realized benefits, and suppliers continue to improve the equipment and systems used in CM (1), some barriers to broader industry adoption remain. A collaborative effort between industry, regulators, academia, and other stakeholders is driving slow progress toward overcoming these hurdles. The success of the cooperation between government and the private sector to rapidly develop and build capacity for vaccines and treatments to combat the COVID-19 pandemic is an example of what is possible, in the normally slow-acting and risk-averse pharmaceutical sector, say industry experts. They hope to see a similar boost to the uptake of advanced manufacturing technologies, such as CM.


Pharmaceutical Technology. Volume 46, 2022, 16- 20

Type of publication



  • Technical Writing Solutions LLC

Article Classification


Classification Areas

  • PAT
  • API synthesis
