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Prepare for an exciting September! Each week, we'll examine the latest trends in PAT, offering fresh insights straight from recent conferences. Your perspective matters, so we encourage you to share your thoughts as well. Stay informed, stay engaged, and let's explore these cutting-edge developments together.

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  1. continuouspharmaceuticalmanufacturing x
  1. Videometric mass flow control: A new method for real-time measurement and feedback control of powder micro-feeding based on image analysis

    09 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s): Madarasz, L, Kote, AGyurkes, M, Farkas, A, Hambalko, B, Pataki, H, Fulop, G, Marosi, G, Lengyel, L, Casian, T, Csorba, K, Nagy, ZK

    The present paper reports the first monitoring and control of ultra-low dose powder feeding using a camera image-based mass flow measurement system. Caffeine was fed via a single-screw microfeeder as a model active pharmaceutical ingredient (API). The mass, mass flow and sizes of the particles...

  2. Using a material property library to find surrogate materials for pharmaceutical process development

    09 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s): Escotet-Espinoza, MS, Moghtadernejad, SScicolone, J, Wang, YF, Pereira, G, Schafer, E, Vigh, T, Klingeleers, D, Ierapetritou, M, Muzzio, FJ

    Material properties are known to have a significant impact on pharmaceutical manufacturing performance, particularly for solid product processes. Evaluating the performance of a specific material, for example an active pharmaceutical ingredient or excipient, is critical during development stages...

  3. Using residence time distribution in pharmaceutical solid dose manufacturing–A critical review

    09 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s): Bhalode, Pooja, Tian, Huayu Gupta, Shashwat Razavi, Sonia M Roman-Ospino, Andres Talebian, Shahrzad Singh, Ravendra Scicolone, James V Muzzio, Fernando J, Ierapetritou, Marianthi

    While continuous manufacturing (CM) of pharmaceutical solid-based drug products has been shown to be advantageous for improving the product quality and process efficiency in alignment with FDA’s support of the quality-by-design paradigm (Lee, 2015; Ierapetritou et al., 2016; Plumb, 2005; Schaber,...

  4. Simplified end-to-end continuous manufacturing by feeding API suspensions in twin-screw wet granulation

    09 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s): Schmidt, A, de, Waard, HMoll, KP, Kleinebudde, P, Krumme, M

    This study focussed on investigating the coupling of continuous manufacturing of drug substance and continuous manufacture of drug product. An important step in such an integrated end-to-end continuous manufacturing was envisioned by dosing the API as suspension into a twin-screw wet granulation...

  5. Residence Time Distribution (RTD)-Based Control System for Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing Process

    09 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s): Bhaskar, Aparajith, Singh, Ravendra

  6. Quality Risk Assessment and Mitigation of Pharmaceutical Continuous Manufacturing Using Flowsheet Modeling Approach

    09 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s): Tian, Geng;, Koolivand, Abdollah, Arden, Nilou S., Lee, Sau, O'Connor, Thomas F.

    Integrated flowsheet modeling is an engineering approach that can provide a framework for understanding the impact of process dynamics on drug quality and associated risks during production, thereby facilitating the development of robust continuous processes. In this investigation, flowsheet...

  7. Powder composition monitoring in continuous pharmaceutical solid-dosage form manufacturing using state estimation-Proof of concept

    09 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s): Destro, Francesco, Munoz, Salvador Garcia, Bezzo, Fabrizio, Barolo, Massimiliano

    In continuous solid-dosage form manufacturing, the powder feeding system is responsible for supplying downstream the correct formulation of the drug product ingredients. The composition of the powder delivered by the feeding system is inferred from the measurements of powder mass flow from the...

  8. PAT Implementation on a Mobile Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing System: Real-Time Process Monitoring with In-Line FTIR and Raman Spectroscopy

    09 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s): Miyai, Yuma, Formosa, Anna, Armstrong, Cameron, Marquardt, Brian, Rogers, Luke, Roper, Thomas

    The strategies and experimental methods for implementation of process analytical technology (PAT) on the mobile pharmaceutical manufacturing system, Pharmacy on Demand (PoD), are discussed. With multiple processes to be monitored on the PoD end-to-end continuous manufacturing process, PAT and its...

  9. Optimized continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing via model-predictive control

    09 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s): Rehrl, Jakob, Kruisz, Julia, Sacher, Stephan, Khinast, Johannes, Horn, Martin

    This paper demonstrates the application of model-predictive control to a feeding blending unit used in continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing. The goal of this contribution is, on the one hand, to highlight the advantages of the proposed concept compared to conventional PI-controllers, and, on...

  10. On-Demand Continuous Manufacturing of Ciprofloxacin in Portable Plug-and-Play Factories: Development of a Highly Efficient Synthesis for Ciprofloxacin

    09 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s): Armstrong, Cameron, Miyai, Yuma, Formosa, Anna, Thomas Dale, Chen, Esther, Hart, Travis, Schultz, Victor, Desai, Bimbisar, Cai, Angela, Almasy, Alexandra, Jensen, Klavs, Roper, Thomas

    The experimental approach taken and challenges overcome in developing a high-purity production (>100 g) scale process for the telescoped synthesis of the antibiotic ciprofloxacin is outlined. The process was first optimized for each step sequentially with regard to purity and yield, with...

  11. On-Demand Continuous Manufacturing of Ciprofloxacin in Portable Plug-and-Play Factories: Implementation and in Situ Control of Downstream Production

    09 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s): Capellades, Gerard, Neurohr, Clemence Briggs, Naomi Rapp, Kersten, Hammersmith, Gregory, Brancazio, David, Derksen, Bridget, Myerson, Allan S.

    Traditional pharmaceutical manufacturing operates around a supply chain that is subject to complex logistics and is vulnerable to spikes in demand and interruptions. In this context, continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing in portable, refrigerator-sized factories is a promising solution with...

  12. Mapping key process parameters to the performance of a continuous dry powder blender in a continuous direct compression system

    09 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s): Palmer, J, Reynolds, GK, Tahir, F, Yadav, IK, Meehan, E, Holman, J, Bajwa, G

    This work aims to expand the typical raw material attributes that can successfully be processed on a continuous direct compression line with a particular focus on the continuous dry powder blender. Three grades of Acetaminophen were investigated as model active pharmaceutical ingredients and...

  13. In-line particle size measurement based on image analysis in a fully continuous granule manufacturing line for rapid process understanding and development

    09 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s): Madarász, Lajos, Köte, Ákos, Hambalkó, Bence, Csorba, Kristóf, Kovács, Viktor, Lengyel, László, Marosi, Györgya, Farkas, Attilaa, Nagy, Zsombor Kristóf, Domokos, András

    The present paper serves as a demonstration how an in-line PAT tool can be used for rapid and efficient process development in a fully continuous powder to granule line consisting of an interconnected twin-screw wet granulator, vibrational fluid bed dryer, and a regranulating mill. A new method...

  14. Influence of raw material properties upon critical quality attributes of continuously produced granules and tablets

    09 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s): Fonteyne, Margot, Wickström, Henrika, Peeters, Elisabeth, Vercruysse, Jurgen, Ehlers, Henrik, Peters, Björn-Hendrik, Remon, Jean Paul, Vervaet, Chris, Ketolainen, Jarkko, Sandler, Niklas, Rantanen, Jukka., Naelapää, Kaisa

    Continuous manufacturing gains more and more interest within the pharmaceutical industry. The International Conference of Harmonisation (ICH) states in its Q8 'Pharmaceutical Development' guideline that the manufacturer of pharmaceuticals should have an enhanced knowledge of the product...

  15. Improving Feedability of Highly Adhesive Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients by Silication

    09 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s): Escotet-Espinoza, M. Sebastian, Moghtadernejad, Sara, Sanchez, Eric, Cappuyns, Philippe, Van Assche, Ivo, Di Pretoro, Giustino, Ierapetritou, Marianthi, Scicolone, James V., Muzzio, Fernando J.

    Purpose: Loss-in-weight feeders play a vital role in assuring blend and content uniformity as well as lot-to-lot powder traceability in continuous manufacturing. Irregular flow from the feeders propagates through the system, potentially resulting in out-of-specification product. Powder properties...

  16. Evaluation of a Combined MHE-NMPC Approach to Handle Plant-Model Mismatch in a Rotary Tablet Press

    09 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s): Huang, Yan-Shu, Reklaitis, Gintaras V.

    The transition from batch to continuous processes in the pharmaceutical industry has been driven by the potential improvement in process controllability, product quality homogeneity, and reduction of material inventory. A quality-by-control (QbC) approach has been implemented in a variety of...

  17. Continuous Production of Five Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients in Flexible Plug-and-Play Modules: A Demonstration Campaign

    09 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s): Rogers, L, Briggs, NAchermann, R, Adamo, A, Azad, M, Brancazio, D, Capellades, G, Hammersmith, G, Hart, T, Imbrogno, J, Kelly, LP, Liang, GH, Neurohr, C, Rapp, K, Russell, MG, Salz, C, Thomas, DA, Weimann, L, Jamison, TF, Myerson, AS, Jensen, KF

    Traditional pharmaceutical manufacturing is based on a complex supply chain that is vulnerable to spikes in demand and interruptions. Continuous pharmaceutical production in compact modules is a potential solution that allows for drug manufacturing when and where it is needed with significantly...

  18. Continuous integrated filtration, washing and drying of aspirin: digital design of a novel intensified unit

    09 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s): Destro, F, Wang, VAbdi, M, Feng, X, Wood, E, Coleman, S, Firth, P, Barton, A, Barolo, M, Nagy, ZK

    Within the recent modernization of pharmaceutical manufacturing, an important milestone consists in developing enabling technologies for end-to-end continuous production of drug products. Continuous filtration, washing and drying of active pharmaceutical ingredients from mother liquors in...

  19. Continuous manufacture of polymeric cellular dosage forms

    09 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s): Blaesi, Aron H, Saka, Nannaji

    The most prevalent pharmaceutical dosage forms at present are granular solids in the form of oral tablets and capsules. While effective in releasing drug rapidly upon contact with gastrointestinal fluid, their manufacture, which relies on particulate processing, is fraught with difficulties...

  20. Combined feedforward/feedback control of an integrated continuous granulation process

    09 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s): Pereira, Glinka Cathy, Muddu, Shashank Venkat Román-Ospino, Andrés David Clancy, Don Igne, Benoit Airiau, Christian Muzzio, Fernando J Ierapetritou, Marianthi Ramachandran, Rohit, Singh, Ravendra

    Continuous manufacturing offers shorter processing times and increased product quality assurance, among several other advantages. This makes it an ever-growing interest among pharmaceutical companies. A suitable efficient control system is however desired for continuous pharmaceutical...

  21. Characterization of material properties

    09 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s): Razavi, Sonia, Oka, Sarang, Escotet-Espinoza, M. Sebastian, Wang, Yifan, Li, Tianyi, Futran Mauricio., Muzzio, Fernando

    This chapter describes the importance of deepening our understanding of material properties and their effect on process performance. There are many measurement techniques to describe the complex nature of powders, some of which are provided in this chapter. Strong knowledge of multivariate...

  22. Biocatalytic Continuous Manufacturing of Diabetes Drug: Plantwide Process Modeling, Optimization, and Environmental and Economic Analysis

    09 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s): Ho, CH, Yi, JR, Wang, XN

    This work proposes a comprehensive framework of biocatalytic continuous manufacturing of sitagliptin, the active pharmaceutical ingredient of the leading dipeptidyl peptidase-4 inhibitor antidiabetic drug. Continuous manufacturing has the advantages of quality consistency, reduced waste...

  23. Artificial neural network modelling of continuous wet granulation using a twin-screw extruder

    09 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s): Shirazian, Saeed, Kuhs, Manuel, Darwish, Shaza, Croker, Denise., Walker, Gavin M

    Computational modelling of twin-screw granulation was conducted by using an artificial neural network (ANN) approach. Various ANN configurations were considered with changing hidden layers, nodes and activation functions to determine the optimum model for the prediction of the process. The neural...

  24. Advanced Model Predictive Feedforward/Feedback Control of a Tablet Press

    09 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s): Haas, Nicholas Townsend, Ierapetritou, Marianthi, Singh, Ravendra

    In continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing, real-time precise control of critical quality attributes (CQAs) is necessary for quality by design (QbD)-based manufacturing and real-time release (RTR) with minimum consumption of time, space, and resources. Pharmaceutical tablets can be produced...

  25. Active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) production involving continuous processes - A process systems engineering (PSE)-assisted design framework

    09 Jun 2023 | Contributor(s): Cervera-Padrell, AE, Skovby, TKiil, S, Gani, R, Gernaey, KV

    A systematic framework is proposed for the design of continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing processes. Specifically, the design framework focuses on organic chemistry based, active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) synthetic processes, but could potentially be extended to biocatalytic and...