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Tags: Active ingredients

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  1. Particle Engineering of an Active Pharmaceutical Ingredient for Improved Micromeritic Properties

    Contributor(s):: Sowa, M, Klapwijk, AROstendorf, M, Beckmann, W

    A range of particle-engineering techniques were applied to modify unfavorable bulk solid properties of an active pharmaceutical ingredient (API), with the solid-state form of the compound remaining constant. The compound under investigation has been crystallized as needle-like particles, which...

  2. Method Development and Validation of an Inline Process Analytical Technology Method for Blend Monitoring in the Tablet Feed Frame Using Raman Spectroscopy

    Contributor(s):: Li, Y, Anderson, CADrennen, JK, Airiau, C, Igne, B

    Inline process analytical technology sensors are the key elements to enable continuous manufacturing. They facilitate real-time monitoring of critical quality attributes of both intermediate materials and finished products. The aim of this study was to demonstrate method development and...