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Prepare for an exciting September! Each week, we'll examine the latest trends in PAT, offering fresh insights straight from recent conferences. Your perspective matters, so we encourage you to share your thoughts as well. Stay informed, stay engaged, and let's explore these cutting-edge developments together.

Tags: crystal shape

All Categories (1-4 of 4)

  1. Tuning Morphology in Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients: Controlling the Crystal Habit of Lovastatin through Solvent Choice and Non-Size-Matched Polymer Additives

    Contributor(s):: Hatcher, LE, Li, WPayne, P, Benyahia, B, Rielly, CD, Wilson, CC

    Additive crystallization routes to control the crystal habit of the active pharmaceutical ingredient (API) lovastatin are presented, at small scale up to 25 mL. Lovastatin is an archetypical example of an API that forms needle-like crystals via solution-based recrystallization, causing issues for...

  2. Real-time feasible model-based crystal size and shape control of crystallization processes

    Contributor(s):: Szilagyi, Botond, Nagy, Zoltan K.

    The simultaneous control of crystal size and shape is particularly important in fine chemical and pharmaceutical crystallization. These two quantities influence the dissolution rate and bioavailability of final drug products, and also contribute to the manufacturability and efficiency of...

  3. From form to function: Crystallization of active pharmaceutical ingredients

    Contributor(s):: Variankaval, Narayan, Cote, Aaron S., Doherty, Michael F.

    In this perspective, we describe the state-of-the-art in API crystal product and process design, highlight barriers that currently prevent the production of better, cheaper crystalline products, and give our best estimate of where the field is going and should go during the next decade.

  4. A Compact Device for the Integrated Filtration, Drying, and Mechanical Processing of Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients

    Contributor(s):: Capellades, G, Neurohr, CAzad, M, Brancazio, D, Rapp, K, Hammersmith, G, Myerson, AS

    Recent changes in the pharmaceutical sector call for the development of novel manufacturing approaches to reduce costs and improve control over product quality. In this area, the development of compact, plug-and-play devices that fit in a continuous manufacturing system has gained interest in...