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Prepare for an exciting September! Each week, we'll examine the latest trends in PAT, offering fresh insights straight from recent conferences. Your perspective matters, so we encourage you to share your thoughts as well. Stay informed, stay engaged, and let's explore these cutting-edge developments together.

Tags: Machine vision

All Categories (1-3 of 3)

  1. Videometric mass flow control: A new method for real-time measurement and feedback control of powder micro-feeding based on image analysis

    Contributor(s):: Madarasz, L, Kote, AGyurkes, M, Farkas, A, Hambalko, B, Pataki, H, Fulop, G, Marosi, G, Lengyel, L, Casian, T, Csorba, K, Nagy, ZK

    The present paper reports the first monitoring and control of ultra-low dose powder feeding using a camera image-based mass flow measurement system. Caffeine was fed via a single-screw microfeeder as a model active pharmaceutical ingredient (API). The mass, mass flow and sizes of the particles...

  2. Indirect monitoring of ultralow dose API content in continuous wet granulation and tableting by machine vision

    Contributor(s):: Ficzere, Máté, Mészáros, Lilla Alexandra, Madarász, Lajos, Novák, Márk, Nagy, Zsombor Kristóf, Galata, Dorián László

    This paper presents new machine vision–based methods for indirect real-time quantification of ultralow drug content during continuous twin-screw wet granulation and tableting. Granulation was performed with a solution containing carvedilol (CAR) as API in the ultralow dose range (0.05 w/w% in the...

  3. Continuous blending monitored and feedback controlled by machine vision-based PAT tool

    Contributor(s):: Lászlo Galata, Dorián, Mészaros, Lilla, Ficzere Máté, Vass, Panna, Nagy, Brigitta, Szabó, Edina, Domokos, András, Farkas, Attila, Csontos, István, Marosi, György, Nagy, Zsombor Kristóf

    In a continuous powder blending process machine vision is utilized as a Process Analytical Technology (PAT) tool. While near-infrared (NIR) and Raman spectroscopy are reliable methods in this field, measurements become challenging when concentrations below 2 w/w% are quantified. However, an...