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Prepare for an exciting September! Each week, we'll examine the latest trends in PAT, offering fresh insights straight from recent conferences. Your perspective matters, so we encourage you to share your thoughts as well. Stay informed, stay engaged, and let's explore these cutting-edge developments together.

Tags: oral solid dose

All Categories (176-200 of 362)

  1. Influence of raw material properties upon critical quality attributes of continuously produced granules and tablets

    Contributor(s):: Fonteyne, Margot, Wickström, Henrika, Peeters, Elisabeth, Vercruysse, Jurgen, Ehlers, Henrik, Peters, Björn-Hendrik, Remon, Jean Paul, Vervaet, Chris, Ketolainen, Jarkko, Sandler, Niklas, Rantanen, Jukka., Naelapää, Kaisa

    Continuous manufacturing gains more and more interest within the pharmaceutical industry. The International Conference of Harmonisation (ICH) states in its Q8 'Pharmaceutical Development' guideline that the manufacturer of pharmaceuticals should have an enhanced knowledge of the product...

  2. Inline Determination of Residence Time distributionin Hot-Melt-Extrusion

    Contributor(s):: Wesholowski, Jens, Berghaus, Andreas, Thommes, Markus

    In the framework of Quality-by-Design (QbD), the inline determination of process parameters or quality attributes of a product using sufficient process analytical technology (PAT) is a center piece for the establishment of continuous processes as a standard pharmaceutical technology. In this...

  3. Implementing Feedback Granule Size Control in a Continuous DryGranulation Line Using Controlled Impeller Speed of the GranulationUnit, Compaction Force and Gap Width

    Contributor(s):: Wilms, Annika, Teske, Andreas, Meier, Robin, Wiedey, Raphael, Kleinebudde, Peter

    Purpose: In continuous manufacturing of pharmaceuticals, dry granulation is of interest because of its large throughput capacity and energy efficiency. In order to manufacture solid oral dosage forms continuously, valid control strategies for critical quality attributes should be established. To...

  4. Improved tabletability after a polymorphic transition of delta-mannitol during twin screw granulation

    Contributor(s):: Vanhoorne, V., Bekaert, B., Peeters, E., De Beer, T., Remon, J-P., Vervaet, C.

    In most formulations processed via continuous twin screw granulation microcrystalline cellulose (MCC) and/or lactose are used as excipients, but mannitol is also a preferred excipient for wet granulation and tableting due to its non-hygroscopicity and inertness. Therefore, the aim of the current...

  5. Improving Feedability of Highly Adhesive Active Pharmaceutical Ingredients by Silication

    Contributor(s):: Escotet-Espinoza, M. Sebastian, Moghtadernejad, Sara, Sanchez, Eric, Cappuyns, Philippe, Van Assche, Ivo, Di Pretoro, Giustino, Ierapetritou, Marianthi, Scicolone, James V., Muzzio, Fernando J.

    Purpose: Loss-in-weight feeders play a vital role in assuring blend and content uniformity as well as lot-to-lot powder traceability in continuous manufacturing. Irregular flow from the feeders propagates through the system, potentially resulting in out-of-specification product. Powder properties...

  6. In line monitoring of the powder flow behavior and drug content in a Fette 3090 feed frame at different operating conditions using Near Infrared spectroscopy

    Contributor(s):: Sierra-Vega, Nobel, Sánchez-Paternina, Adriluz, Maldonado, Nadja, Cárdenas, Vanessa, Romañach, Rodolfo, Mendez, Rafael

    Near infrared (NIR) spectroscopy was used to determine the drug concentration in 3% (w/w) acetaminophen blends within the complex flow regime of the tablet press feed frame just before tablet compaction. NIR spectra also provided valuable information on the powder flow behavior within the feed...

  7. Indirect monitoring of ultralow dose API content in continuous wet granulation and tableting by machine vision

    Contributor(s):: Ficzere, Máté, Mészáros, Lilla Alexandra, Madarász, Lajos, Novák, Márk, Nagy, Zsombor Kristóf, Galata, Dorián László

    This paper presents new machine vision–based methods for indirect real-time quantification of ultralow drug content during continuous twin-screw wet granulation and tableting. Granulation was performed with a solution containing carvedilol (CAR) as API in the ultralow dose range (0.05 w/w% in the...

  8. Impact of material properties and process variables on the residence time distribution in twin screw feeding equipment

    Contributor(s):: Van Snick, B, Kumar, A, Verstraeten, M, Pandelaere, K, Dhondt, J, Di Pretoro, G, De Beer, T, Vervaet, C, Vanhoorne, V

    Screw feeders are integrated as dispensing units in most continuous manufacturing platforms. Hence, characterizing and modelling the residence time distribution (RTD) of materials in feeders is indispensable to understand the traceability of raw materials from the drum till tablet, enabling the...

  9. Impact of screw configuration on the particle size distribution of granules produced by twin screw granulation

    Contributor(s):: Vercruysse, J, Burggraeve, A., Fonteyne, M., Cappuyns, P., Delaet, U., Van Assche, I., De Beer, T., Remon, J. P., Vervaet, C.

    Twin screw granulation (TSG) has been reported by different Research Article groups as an attractive technology for continuous wet granulation. However, in contrast to fluidized bed granulation, granules produced via this technique typically have a wide and multimodal particle size distribution...

  10. Impact of Vertical Blender Unit Parameters on Subsequent Process Parameters and Tablet Properties in a Continuous Direct Compression Line

    Contributor(s):: Kreiser, MJ, Wabel, C, Wagner, KG

    The continuous manufacturing of solid oral-dosage forms represents an emerging technology among the pharmaceutical industry, where several process steps are combined in one production line. As all mixture components, including the lubricant (magnesium stearate), are passing simultaneously through...

  11. How to measure coating thickness of tablets: Method comparison of optical coherence tomography, near-infrared spectroscopy and weight-, height- and diameter gain

    Contributor(s):: Wahl, P. R., Peter, A., Wolfgang, M., Khinast, J. G.

    Film coating of pharmaceutical dosage forms, such as tablets and pellets, can be used to tailor the drug release profile. With that regard, a uniform coating thickness of a single tablet (intra-tablet), all tablets (inter-tablet) and subsequent batches (inter-batch) is crucial. We present a...

  12. Hypromellose - A traditional pharmaceutical excipient with modern applications in oral and oromucosal drug delivery

    Contributor(s):: Maskova, Eliska, Kubova, Katerina, Raimi-Abraham, Bahijja T., Vllasaliu, Driton, Vohlidalova, Eva, Turanek, Jaroslav, Masek, Josef

    Hydroxypropylmethylcellulose (HPMC), also known as Hypromellose, is a traditional pharmaceutical excipient widely exploited in oral sustained drug release matrix systems. The choice of numerous viscosity grades and molecular weights available from different manufacturers provides a great...

  13. Identifying a Loss-in-Weight Feeder Design Space Based on Performance and Material Properties

    Contributor(s):: Li, Tianyi, Scicolone, James V. Sanchez, Eric, Muzzio, Fernando J.

    Powder properties, such as density and adhesion, can cause large variability in the flow rate of ingredients fed from feeders, which can propagate through the system. Knowing an ideal range of operation and correlating powder properties to process performance can result in faster optimization of...

  14. Identifying Critical Binder Attributes to Facilitate Binder Selection for Efficient Formulation Development in a Continuous Twin Screw Wet Granulation Process

    Contributor(s):: Vandevivere, Lise, Vangampelaere, Maxine, Portier, Christoph, de Backere, Cedrine, Hausler, Olaf, De Beer, Thomas, Vervaet, Chris, Vanhoorne, Valerie

    The suitability of pharmaceutical binders for continuous twin-screw wet granulation was investigated as the pharmaceutical industry is undergoing a switch from batch to continuous manufacturing. Binder selection for twin-screw wet granulation should rely on a scientific approach to enable...

  15. Identifying overarching excipient properties towards an in-depth understanding of process and product performance for continuous twin-screw wet granulation

    Contributor(s):: Willecke, N., Szepes, A., Wunderlich, M., Remon, J. P., Vervaet, C., De Beer, T.

    The overall objective of this work is to understand how excipient characteristics influence the process and product performance for a continuous twin-screw wet granulation process. The knowledge gained through this study is intended to be used for a Quality by Design (QbD)-based formulation...

  16. Impact of blend properties and process variables on the blending performance

    Contributor(s):: Bekaert, B, Grymonpre, W, Novikova, A, Vervaet, C, Vanhoorne, V

    In this study, quantitative relationships were established between blend properties, process settings and blending responses via multivariate data-analysis. Four divergent binary blends were composed in three different ratios and processed at various throughputs and impeller speeds. Additionally,...

  17. Impact of blend properties on die filling during tableting

    Contributor(s):: Van Snick, B., Grymonpre, W., Dhondt, J., Pandelaere, K., Di Pretoro, G., Remon, J. P., De Beer, T., Vervaet, C., Vanhoorne, V.

    Based on characterization of a wide range of fillers and APIs, thirty divergent blends were composed and subsequently compressed on a rotary tablet press, varying paddle speed and turret speed. The tablet weight variability was determined of 20 grab samples consisting of each 20 tablets....

  18. Granulation of increasingly hydrophobic formulations using a twin screw granulator

    Contributor(s):: Yu, Shen, Reynolds, Gavin K., Huang, Zhenyu, de Matas, Marcel, Salman, Agba D.

    The application of twin screw granulation in the pharmaceutical industry has generated increasing interest due to its suitability for continuous processing. However, an understanding of the impact of formulation properties such as hydrophobicity on intermediate and finished product quality has...

  19. Grey-Box Approach for the Prediction of Variable Residence Time Distribution in Continuous Pharmaceutical Manufacturing

    Contributor(s):: Elkhashap, A, Meier, R, Stenger, D, Abel, D

    Axial dispersion models are used for the prediction of residence time distribution (RTD) of the flow occurring in various processes. Such models are essential for the understanding of the flow dynamics allowing monitoring, control and material tracing specially in the scope of continuous...

  20. Heat Transfer Evaluation During Twin-Screw Wet Granulation in View of Detailed Process Understanding

    Contributor(s):: Stauffer, Fanny, Ryckaert, Alexander, Van Hauwermeiren, Daan, Funke, Adrian, Djuric, Dejan, Nopens, Ingmar, De Beer, Thomas

    During the last decade, the pharmaceutical industry has shown a growing interest in continuous twin-screw granulation (TSG). Despite flourishing literature on TSG, limited studies focused on fundamental process understanding on its mechanisms. In current study, granule quality attributes along...

  21. Hot melt extrusion technology for continuous manufacturing

    Contributor(s):: Furqan Tahir, Lovett. David

    Hot melt extrusion (HME), a manufacturing technique traditionally used in the plastic and food industries, is now attracting significant interest from the pharmaceutical manufacturing sector. This is primarily because HME enables the continuous manufacture of a wide variety of dosage...

  22. Hot-Melt Extrusion: from Theory to Application in Pharmaceutical Formulation

    Contributor(s):: Patil, H, Tiwari, RV, Repka, MA

    Hot-melt extrusion (HME) is a promising technology for the production of new chemical entities in the developmental pipeline and for improving products already on the market. In drug discovery and development, industry estimates that more than 50% of active pharmaceutical ingredients currently...

  23. How to Design and Implement Powder-to-Tablet Continuous Manufacturing Systems

    Contributor(s):: Sarang Oka, Muzzio, Fernando

    How to Design and Implement Powder-to-Tablet Continuous Manufacturing Systems provides a comprehensive overview on the considerations necessary for the design of continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing processes. The book covers both the theory and design of continuous processing of associated...

  24. Foam granulation: new developments in pharmaceutical solid oral dosage forms using twin screw extrusion machinery

    Contributor(s):: Thompson, M. R., Weatherley, S., Pukadyil, R. N., Sheskey, P. J.

    This paper investigates foam granulation in a twin screw extruder as a new continuous wet granulation technique for pharmaceutical powder drug formulations. Foamed aqueous binder has a reportedly lower soak-to-spread ratio than drop or spray liquid addition in batch granulation. This work...

  25. From powder to tablets: Investigation of residence time distributions in a continuous manufacturing process train as basis for continuous process verification

    Contributor(s):: Pauli, Victoria, Kleinebudde, Peter, Krumme, Markus

    The essence of Continuous Manufacturing (CM) resides in the fact that continuous process units are directly connected to each other forming a continuous process train. The thorough understanding of material flow in this train based on suitable sensors, including on-line process analytical...