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Tags: Tensile strength

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  1. Tableting model assessment of porosity and tensile strength using a continuous wet granulation route

    Contributor(s):: Wang, Li Ge, Omar, Chalak, Li, Jianfeng, Mitchell, Niall, Bellinghausen, Stefan, Barrasso, Dana, Salman, Agba, Slade, David

    This paper presents a comprehensive assessment of the most widely used tablet compaction models in a continuous wet granulation tableting process. The porosity models, tensile strength models and lubricant models are reviewed from the literature and classified based on their formulations i.e....

  2. Lubrication empirical model to predict tensile strength of directly compressed powder blends

    Contributor(s):: Nassar, Joelle, Williams, Ben, Davies, Conrad, Lief, Kevin, Elkes, Richard

    A new approach is proposed to support prediction of tablet tensile strength as a function of both solid fraction (and/or compression pressure) and extent of lubrication by using empirical data to parameterise the model. This is a pre-requisite for simulation of the compaction unit operation where...

  3. Experimental investigation and modelling of tensile strength of pharmaceutical tablets based on shear force applied by feed frame paddles

    Contributor(s):: Furukawa, Ryoichi, Singh, Ravendra, Ierapetritou, Marianthi

    The feed frame is an essential device used in a rotary tablet press and it improves the performance of the powder filling process into dies. However, the feed frame affects critical quality attributes such as a tensile strength and a dissolution negatively due to a shear applied to powders from...

  4. Effect of force feeder on tablet strength during compression

    Contributor(s):: Narang, Ajit S., Rao, Venkatramana M., Guo, Hang, Lu, Jian, Desai, Divyakant S.

    Mechanical strength of tablets is an important quality attribute, which depends on both formulation and process. In this study, the effect of process variables during compression on tablet tensile strength and tabletability (the ratio of tensile strength to compression pressure) was investigated...