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The scope of PAT in real-time advanced control of tablet quality

By Singh, Ravendra; Ierapetritou, Marianthi; Ramachandran, Rohit

Published on CMKC


Continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing together with process analytical technology (PAT) provides a suitable platform for automatic feed-forward/feed-back (FF/FB) control of the end product quality as desired by quality by design (QbD)-based efficient manufacturing. The precise control of the quality of the pharmaceutical product requires proactive, corrective actions on the process/raw material variability. Therefore, PAT tools are necessary to monitor the FF as well as FB process variables that need to be sent to the automatic real-time control system. This article highlights the scope of PAT in a combined FF/FB control system of a continuous tablet manufacturing process.


European Pharmaceutical Review. Volume 20, 2015, 76-80

Type of publication

Peer-reviewed journal


  • Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey

Article Classification


Classification Areas

  • Oral doses
  • Modeling
