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Laboratory of the future: a modular flow platform with multiple integrated PAT tools for multistep reactions

By Sagmeister, Peter; Hone, Christopher; Williams, Jason D; Kappe, Oliver

Published on CMKC


Currently, the monitoring of multistep continuous flow processes by multiple analytical sources is still seen as a resource intensive and specialized activity. In this article, the coupling of a modular microreactor platform with real-time monitoring by inline IR and NMR, in addition to online UPLC, is described. Using this platform, we rapidly generated experimental data (17 iterations in under 2 hours) to access information on the different chemical species at multiple points within the reactor and to generate process understanding. We highlight the application of the platform in the optimization of a multistep organolithium transformation. The optimized continuous flow conditions were demonstrated in a scale-out experiment with in-process monitoring to afford the desired product in 70% isolated yield and provided a throughput of 4.2 g h−1.


Reaction Chemistry & Engineering. Volume 4, 2019, 1571-1578



Type of publication

Peer-reviewed journal


  • Center for Continuous Synthesis and Processing (CCFLOW)
  • University of Graz

Article Classification

Research article

Classification Areas

  • PAT
  • API
