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End-to-end continuous manufacturing of conventional compressed tablets: From flow synthesis to tableting through integrated crystallization and filtration

By Domokos, A; Nagy, BGyurkes, M; Farkas, A; Tacsi, K; Pataki, H; Liu, YC; Balogh, A; Firth, P; Szilagyi, B; Marosi, G; Nagy, ZK

Published on CMKC


An end-to-end continuous pharmaceutical manufacturing process was developed for the production of conventional direct compressed tablets on a proof-of-concept level for the first time. The output reaction mixture of the flow synthesis of acetylsalicylic acid was crystallized continuously in a mixed suspension mixed product removal crystallizer. The crystallizer was directly connected to a continuous filtration carousel device, thus the crystallization, filtration and drying of acetylsalicylic acid (ASA) was carried out in an integrated 2-step process. Steady state was reached during longer operations and the interaction of process parameters was evaluated in a series of experiments. The filtered crystals were ready for further processing in a following continuous blending and tableting experiment due to the good flowability of the material. The ASA collected during the crystallization-filtration experiments was fed into a continuous twin-screw blender along with microcrystalline cellulose as tableting excipient. After continuous blending Near-Infrared spectroscopy was applied to in-line analyze the drug content of the powder mixture. A belt conveyor carried the mixture towards an eccentric lab-scale tablet press, which continuously produced 500 mg ASA-loaded compressed tablets of 100 mg dose strength. Thus, starting from raw materials, the final drug product was obtained by continuous manufacturing steps with appropriate quality.


International Journal of Pharmaceutics. Volume 581, 2020, 119297



Type of publication

Peer-reviewed journal


  • Budapest University of Technology and Economics
  • Purdue University
  • Alconbury Weston Ltd (AWL), Loughborough University

Article Classification

Research Article

Classification Areas

  • API
  • PAT
